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    Subtitles? or No Subtitles?

    Should I use subtitles when watching TV or Movies in English? This is a question I get asked a lot, so here is the answer.

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    If I had a quid for everytime someone asked me about using subtitles when watching videos in English, I would have about £62 – It’s not a huge amount of money, but it is quite a lot of times to be asked this question.

    Today, after being asked about it again in a recent live stream, I decided to tackle the topic on today’s episode of the podcast. I am going to tell you once and for all my opinion when it comes to using subtitles or not.

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    Listening to the BritSpeakPod is great when it comes to improving your English listening skills and British English knowledge, but if you want to really make some progress, you should check out the transcripts.

    Each episode comes with a downloadable PDF file that contains an exact script of what is said in the episode so you can follow along and understand completely what is being said.

    So, if you have ever wondered if using subtitles is a good thing or not, or you want to find out a professional English teacher’s opinion about using subtitles, this episode is everything you need to know.

    This is also the first episode of a new series called “Ask BritSpeak” where you can ask me questions and I will answer them in future episodes of the podcast. To submit your question, you can send me an audio message below!

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    Welcome to BritSpeak! There are lots of things here to help you master British English. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to connecting with you!

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